MacroView Specula
• Tip Grip for secure fastening of ear specula, along with ejection feature for easy removal
• Flexible instrument not included
#23842 Reusable specula set (4mm, 5mm, 7mm and 7mm instrumentation tip)
#23942 Reusable specula set (4mm, 4 short, 5mm, 5 short and 7mm instrumentation tip)
#23834 4mm reusable speculum
#23834-S 4mm short reusable speculum
#23835 5mm reusable speculum
#23835-S 5mm short reusable speculum
#23837 7 mm reusable speculum
#23847 7 mm instrumentation speculum
For use with otoscope models #23862 and #23960

Universal Reusable Polypropylene Specula
• Material is lightweight but durable
• May be autoclaved, boiled or cleaned with standard germicides
• Easily attached
#24302-U 2.5mm speculum
#24303-U 3mm speculum
#24304-U 4mm speculum
#24305-U 5mm speculum
#24400-U Set of above four specula
For use with otoscope models #25020,#23862,#23960 and PocketScope

Pneumatic and Operating Otoscopes
• Material is lightweight, yet very durable
• May be autoclaved, boiled or cleaned with standard germicides
#22160 Set of 3 polypropylene specula (sizes 4, 5 and 7 mm)
#22064 4mm speculum
#22065 5 mm speculum
#22067 7 mm speculum
#22069 9 mm speculum
For use with otoscope models #20260 and #21760